
Dec 31, 20209 min

Breaking Out of Social Media Life - Entering NTSC/PAL

Updated: Dec 27, 2021

Is He’s crazy?

There comes a time when you have to reconstruct the construct program of the matrix. Why? Because there’s a glitch in the code. Expansion and perception is the name of the game. The way we deal with many circumstances in life depend heavily on how we perceive them. So here’s my view of Social Media and how I intend to expand beyond it.

Why would I leave something that has aided me since I decided to work with it? During a year when everyone is rushing to start a Social Media career due to loss of work and hope; I’m over here leaving it behind. Why you ask? Well here goes….

The Psychological Conditioning of Social Media

Social Media platforms depend on “Content Creators” to provide highly engaging videos in order for them to survive and justify what they charge their advertisers.

Creators therefore are working for them. No matter which way you cut it. That’s ultimately proved by the initiative that YouTube takes to pacify…. sorry I mean pay video makers a cut of the overall revenue for advertisements run on their videos.

Somehow when you get tied up in making Social Media videos it becomes a job. Not only that; You really begin to feel like if you don’t do a great job you’ll get fired! I for one felt obligated to make videos or else I’d let everyone down and eventually they wouldn’t consider my work valuable or engaging!

Did you catch it? You see how that works? Social Media platforms use its viewers to keep its “Content Creators” in check. Craving attention while treading on a hamster wheel with no exit. Conditioning them to produce mindlessly at a high level of efficiency!

Now that ‘s just crazy! But that’s how I’ve been seeing it lately. It’s crazy how a platform can make you feel like you need it to feel valuable. On a side note. If any situation in your life is spun in such a way where you feel like you’re helpless with no power. Chances are that you’re actually the one in control and it needs you more than you need it (whatever “it” may be). You’re always in control.

From the last B(L)og post you already know that I’m not into doing anything that doesn’t work with my ideals. And because of that the best thing for me to do is to break out of the mental prison that I’ve allowed Social Media to place me in.

Fun fact! It takes about 4-6 hours to create a 10 min high quality YouTube video.

Here's How The Matrix Works Once We’re Jacked In!

I spent the past few weeks just making music - unplugged. It felt great! It’s been amazing! No obligation to post any videos or anything of the sort. I got up every morning, handled my circadian routines and worked on music all day. It sounds crazy but I haven’t been able to do that exclusively for a really long time. There’s always been a bug in my ear reminding me that I had to shoot/edit/post a video at the end of the day.

It sneaks up on you and before you know it you feel obligated to do something that’s not your primary reason for working. Music has taken a back seat to videos. And I can tell you exactly when it happened too! It happened the minute I thought that Social Media would be the vehicle to get myself “Out there!

Here’s what can happen if you believe that without exception. You slowly begin to track your progress online. Then the inquisitive compulsive behaviour begins.

How well are my videos doing?

Who’s watching?

How old are they?

Where do they live?

Why does everyone have plants in their videos all of a sudden?

Is there anyone out there copying my blurry camera style?

The list of questions goes on forever! The analytics are truly impressive! After awhile it becomes a game. You find yourself trying to outdo the statistics of your last video. Do you see how the whole ordeal can become an addictive mindless rat race?

Furthermore, here’s another thing. The climate of Social Media really isn’t conducive to what I do. I really want to share information about music by way of samplers. Social Media works best when you provide information that makes the people who consume it feel slightly hopeless but keeps them vacillating between love, lust, envy, hate and appreciation for the projected images that any given piece of content provides.

What does that all mean? In Layman’s terms, Social Media is fit for people who want to experience a concentrated hormonal hit of mixed emotions in a relatively short space of time. Now what else does that remind you of? It’s now easy to see why Social Media can be so addictive.

This Is What It Feels Like

It’s been a ridiculous drain even being associated with that sort of thing. So many people find me online from whatever social path they come from and communicate with me as if I’m part of that social circle and I’m just not part of it. Never have been.

From the very beginning I was seen as out there. First I was the guy who used hardware samplers at a time when everyone was “In The Box”. Then I was the guy whose videos made no sense because I wasn’t coddling… um sorry I mean teaching anyone anything. Now I’m the arrogant self-important recluse.

Well I’m about to get more reclusive because I’m getting off the social grid! And that means putting my content on my own property. Right here at The Daydream Sound website.

Tools of the trade! Recording any video outside? You'll need this!

Oh Really? Well What’s The………….

Q: But Yohance! What difference does it make if you’re making videos here now? You’re still making videos!
A: Glad you asked! The difference is in the perception. I’ll be making videos for me and not YouTube! I like making videos. I want to be accountable to myself for my own content. Not a company other than my own.

Maybe music isn’t…………. Slight Rant To Follow

You know. Here’s one of the most common occurrences in Social Media that goes unaddressed for the most part because of the very nature of Social Media. Everyone is invited to the party. Old, young, newborns, you name it. Anyone with an internet connection and a compatible device can try their hand at what is now referred to as a “Content Creator”. I have no problem with that. It’s a great thing!

But what happens when you’re no good at it? What happens when your talent may be in another area of life? This is the tizzy that Social Media has the ultimate solution for. You see if you’re terrible at making content, that’s actually a sought after niche! Remember Social Media is all about perplexing your emotions through what you see. So with terrible content, anyone watching can end up being stimulated in many ways. Someone may say to themselves.

“Well if this “insert terrible content creator here” is willing to make a complete Mule out of themselves online; I can do whatever I want in life without fear! (one of the most intriguing emotions to humans)”

Or they can use that sort of content to make themselves feel better about any current insecurity in their life. You know the old.

“Well at least I’m not as “insert any negative comment you want here” as so an so on TikTok!”

So how does this show itself in the music creation corner of the internet? Well let me put it this way?

Here’s what we have available in music technology right now?

Instruments that will:

1. Write melodies for us.

2. Quantize and correct our playing.

3. Make sure we play in the correct musical scale.

4. Create probability and chance.

5. Transform the tonal character of our music with a click of a mouse.

6. Auto-chop our samples for us.

7. Create rhythmic patterns for us.

8. Employ Artificial Intelligence to essentially write an entire song if needed.

9. Stretch and compress time itself!

Tutorials that can:

1. Show you how to make any style of music.

2. Advise you on what gear to start out with.

3. Show you how to market your music.

4. Tell you how to start a music YouTube channel.

5. Enlighten you on how to get 1-million streams per day.*

*For those of you reading this in the future. Streaming was a way that people actually tried to make a living online with music. Don’t ask! It was ridiculous!

See where I’m going? If someone isn’t able to create a decent piece of music with these types of free resources at their disposal. Maybe music just isn’t for them! Especially if they’ve spent hours upon hours watching videos about it. People now have the option to consume and create content without accountability.

At some point we have to recognize this! But that doesn’t happen on Social Media. Instead an environment is created where people with poor to no musical skills are invited into an all-inclusive environment and encouraged to “do their best” while receiving praise for trying. No critiquing. No mentoring. No truth! Just approval as long as you’re “Creating Content”.

It doesn’t end there though. These consumers turn creator folk begin to gain a false sense of confidence to the extent where they truly believe that they’re talented. They then go on to become the standard for musicianship!

It’s not over though! Trust me! Here’s the plot twist! Then the very people who watch that type of “Content” turn around and question why the music of today sounds so rudimentary. Why would they do this? Because they’re already emotionally addicted! You can’t kill the high now!

That very content has become part of the measuring stick that they use to evaluate their self-worth! That’s Social Media in a nutshell. I completely understand that. It just ain’t the place I’m supposed to be spending the majority of my time.

Do you remember William Hung? He was a contestant on the television show American Idol. He wasn’t a good singer at all. Had no business being one. That didn’t stop him from becoming a recognized recording artist though. He was the prototype of a Social Media entity before Social Media! His rise to fame was a shocking extreme back then, but it’s completely normal now.

----- slight rant concluded.

The Social Weirdia Environment On A Whole!

Here’s a question for you. Have you ever wondered why the thumbnails on some music based YouTube videos are so outrageous? Content Creators will do anything to get your attention. Let me ask you something else. Do you think they really want to do that? Here’s another. Do you think they’re proud of creating those weirdo thumbnails that 90% of the time are self-deprecating?

Well here’s why they do it! They do it because that’s the competitive standard in the Social Media environment. Make yourself look like a complete moron. Or better yet do it to someone else! Lie, cheat, steal. Push the ethical boundaries as far as you can! Anything that works to gain attention is worth it through the eyes of the indoctrinated “Content Creator”. Why? Because if they don’t. Their competition will. Attention from the “algorithm” is the ultimate currency.

And what happens to those who don’t fancy that standard? What do they do? Well here’s what I’m doing.

Small Doses

I think this is the favorable balance. Reasonable contributions to the system of Social Media are enough to remain active in the community while avoiding Social Medias ability to harvest your creative energy. I’ll be posting to YouTube every now and then but not as much for sure.

Yep! I'm out!

Well What About………….

Q: But…bu bu bu but Yohance!!! What about the YoouuuTube money!!! You’d be missing out on that wouldn’t you?
A: Um yeah! You know what else I’d be missing out on? A whole lot of undeserved stress!!!

As far as business goes. If there’s anything that I’ve learned, it’s this. When you see your business going in the wrong direction;

1. You stop.

2. Get out your map.

3. Find out where you made the wrong turn.

4. Set yourself on the right course and keep it going!
5. Evaluate how you went off course in the first place.

Here’s what I know for sure. I’ve gotten myself here by my own innovations.

No Affiliate Programs

No Agencies

No Silent Investors

No Partnerships

No Managers

No Paid Ads

No Paid Views

No Sponsors

No Endorsements

No Viral Videos

None of it.

If I was concerned enough about Google Ad Sense or any external aid, I wouldn’t have written this blog post to begin with. I’m a musician and a businessman. Not a YouTuber. I keep having to remind myself of that; and that’s really odd. So I’ve written a new construct program.

Okay So What About Your Content Moving Forward?

Here’s what you can expect from The Daydream Sound Inc. You’ll now see a brand new spanking video tab here on the website menu named “NTSC/PAL”. Subscription based High Definition videos will be posted here. Live streams too! You’ll be able to comment as well! With that structure in place there’s going to be a whole lot more fun!

First video is up featuring the E-mu SP1200.

NTSC/PAL? Subscription Videos? What?

Am I crazy? Nope! An irregularity? A glitch in the matrix? You better perceive it!

In order to authentically create. You have to be unrestricted!

NTSC/PAL is the new build! And it start’s today!

Oh and by the way!

Thank you for reading!

All rights reserved. Copyright 2020
